The Virtual Victoria
A Distributed Gathering of Fae Spirits
sponsored by
the Land aka Amber Fox
but located in
your own living space
May 15 - 18th
the Land aka Amber Fox
but located in
your own living space
May 15 - 18th
It's Vicky's birthday and some queens are sad.
"Why o Why", they wail, "Why can't we gather in fae fellowship as we were wont to do in fairer times?"
Well, it's the COVID dearie. I mean really, read the news!
Sadly, we can't gather on the Land this spring. But a couple of fae folks have had some ideas as to how we can celebrate together while remaining physically distant.
How about an opening e-circle, heart circles online, an online ritual, and of course an online Know Talent Show! How exactly we perform these magickal feats of online connectivity remains to be seen, and we will need the help of all our technofaeries!
The Virtual Victoria!
Do you have an idea for an activity? Do you have some technical expertise? Would you like to facilitate an event? Join the discussion!!!

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