A circle of gay and queer men centred on the Land that sustains and nurtures our fae spirits.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
The Land falling gracefully into winter

Amber Fox in the fall
Rockaway, freshly coated, hopefully providing an acceptable landing place for the fathership bringing word from the Alien baby
The old fence that stands beside the "wishing tree".
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
Sunday, August 27, 2006
The Land is changing

Amber Fox in late summer. So much is changing on The Land. I can hardly wait for fall, though some mornings here have that fall feeling, nippy, sharp and still air, the deer are getting more wary, though still, they don't do more than leap and bound more than 20 or 30 metres from you.
Next gathering is on the Thanksgiving weekend, Canadian style. The second weekend in October, hope to see many of you there!
We will have many fun things to do like drain water pipes, board up windows, tidy it up before the blanket of snow covers it and spring rolls it back.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Wheeler Faeries
Friday, July 28, 2006
Dancer goes Lumberjack

Jin arrives at Amber Fox fresh from a whirl wind tour of Ottawa and Toronto and points in between. This city dancified boy learned a thing or two about the manly world of lumberjacks, faerie style of course.

Chip, Ricky PJ and Jin take a break from rigourous training under the watchful and guiding hands of Ken.
Not me
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Missisippi Burning
Monday, July 24, 2006
The Land keeps us away

The Land and the spirit here have been keeping us from blogging. I know we could pull ourselves away to blog and we will try more to do that. That's why we have a blog, right?
So we will try to resist the full pull the temptation of this place some of the time to tell you more about whats happening or has happened.
Aside for a trip to see Superman, Johnny's new pirate movie and The Stewart Park Music Festival in Perth, all of which I mentioned enough to eventually get all here to go, we have been happily sequestered here on the land.
One of the biggest changes is with the tractor shed, some 60 years or more old it has needed some tender care in return of years of good service. New doors ins

Uncovering many artifacts of previous lives, mostly in the form of iron from long since discarded farm machinery, some of it easily over a hundred years of age. An old set of sliegh rails, a wagon hitch with much of its wood long since rotted away, and many unidentifible pieces.
Wildlife has returned in abundance as have the fruits of the land, heritage Crab Apples, Asparagus, Raspberries, Currents and pin Cherries. All loved by the many creatures that live here. Several pies have been concocted with these berries with Ken's Erection style magic.

More news tomorrow, more pictures from here and the nearby Missisippi!
The High Summer Gathering is days away! Hope to see you there.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Dream On . . .

Return to Brokeback Mountain
It’s the
19th Annual
High Summer Gathering
at aka Amber Fox
The Gathering opens in circle on Saturday, 29 July 2006
and closes on Monday, 7 August 2006
aka Amber Fox Offers
- 75 acres of private, unspoiled land
- an Erection in the guise of a kitchen/dining hall
- a wood fired sauna and shower
- swimming in the nearby Mississippi
- jointly prepared vegetarian meals
- fire lit nights under a canopy of stars amid the beautiful rolling hills of Lanark Highlands
Bring everything you need for summer camping in the woods, including a tent, warm sleeping bag, pillow, flashlight, bug repellent, sunscreen, and a divine wardrobe suitable for summer weather conditions in which all clothing styles and fashion statements are both optional and encouraged.
Bring your drums, your musical instruments, your voice.
Bring alive your talents, energy and desire to live, celebrate and work in community with like minded gay men.

Fetish Night in the Departure Lounge
Know Talent/No Talent SHOW!!!!
High Tea
Fire Ritual
Heart Circle
and way too many more to list!
“Make no little plans; they have no magic.”
Daniel Hudson Burnham
Join us ... in celebrating and giving to the land that sustains and nurtures our spirits and our lives.
For directions to aka Amber Fox
email circle@aka.amberfox.ca
Saturday, June 17, 2006
What's new now...
Encounters and strange happenings come to the one travelling. Travelling expectantly, meeting faeries across the land - guided by forces felt but unseen. Just one more hour, just 50 more kilometres, rest awaits, company to share...
More to come...
Monday, June 05, 2006
What's in a name...
Many Faeries take on another name, a name used among Faeries. Have you decided to choose a name for your Faerie self. Were you guided to select a name? Here is a link to some faerie names and by no means is the list exhaustive.
Your Faerie name can be what you like, something from your own name, your dreams, your wishes, your experiance, anything you want.
I choose Boy Ricky, a derivitive of my name and hopefully expressive of my spirit and who I am. Be creative, make it up, there be no rules to follow. Now I wonder, where did the name Shy-Anne come from or Cockelf? Or Shimmer or Pinkie? And Chip?
Capital Gay Links
Check out the Ottawa GLBTQ Community Centre Initiative.
They have a listing of many resources in or near Ottawa for you to have a look at! Check them out.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Fluent Canadian, eh
It's not hard but it might throw you for a loop if you are not prepared. We don't want you deked out of your pants that quick.

Burger King you know already so when you discover "poutine" there, you will at least be on familiar turf. It's Peanut Butter and Jam, not Jelly, unless it is really jelly. Homo means milk too. The Mother Corporation is the CBC, we pay PST and GST which we gripe about but pay anyway. A Double Double is coffee with cream and sugar, you buy bourbon at the LCBO.
Hockey is hockey, not ice hockey and you Curl on Ice. Hockey Night in Canada can be in North Carolina, Texas or New York. A bush is just that a bush, no Dubya's or capital letters needed. Softwood is from a tree, not a limp pee pee.
The Speed limit is 100 kilometres and I get 30 miles to the Imperial gallon (it's bigger). A litre is about a quart and a cup is 250ml, a beer is 347ml in a bottle and 355ml in a can. A Two Four is almost enough brewski and a Naniamo Bar is sweet. If its 32 outside its hot, and 20 is just right.
Back bacon is canadian bacon, the last letter in the alphabet is pronounced "Zed" and the first "eh". Screech is something you drink and not just the sound of your brakes. We have lots of Queens including Elizabeth 2. If someone bumps into you while walking say, "Sorry".
I know there must be more ...
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Pickle Smickle
Pickle Smickle.
Look carefully at this evidence,

Note the similarities...
Now that pickle looks a lot like this . Pickle Smickle I say.

The mousetache is another clue, would that Faerie eat a pickle looking so much like the Snake that guards the Path of the Snake on the The Land?
That stache has been seen before? Oh my devine Eastre, it was the stache in the picture the ProngER showed me of himself and Shy-Anne in happier times. I knew I had seen a close up before. Ok maybe more than once.
Don't worry Amber Foxian

As you can see we have already started. Our top secret Mustache identification XronifryShavelotion device has managed to zero in close under the kryptonite powered microscope Superman sold Amber Fox at his garage sale before he disappeared. Of course it was broken but strange guidance under the full moon guided our tools in it's repair. Unfortionately the Stache was covered in Aqua Velvet so more work is needed in uncovering the owner.
If only we had a propane fridge, we could freeze samples for future identification. More work is needed, first dear faeries, we must discover who the stache belongs too.
Monday, May 29, 2006
Too amazing to be believed....!
The editorial staff of this blog continue to bring you the latest breaking news from The Land aka Amber Fox. Through tireless investigation during this past week, following the Victoria Day weekend gatherette, our CSI-trained staff of scientists has thoroughly analyzed this photo (taken at the aforementioned gatherette). Said scientists have confirmed the...

This tasty morsel, available at fine chain restaurants throughout the U.S. Bible belt, was prepared by Geneva according to the low-fat version found in the Slenderella Cookbook. When the pickle was pulled from the hot grease there was an audible gasp! The apparition was clearly visible, burned right there into that ever-so-yummy and crunchy bread crumb crust.
To make your own dill pickle apparition, simply dip sliced dill pickles in an egg wash, coat in a mixture of bread crumbs and flour, and fry in hot oil until the apparition of your choice appears. (Warning: some apparitions may cause rioting.) Here at Amber Fox we enjoy dipping our pickles in Ranch dressing, but feel free to dip yours in whatever you like.
Faries quickly decided to venerate the Holy Dill Pickle. Unfortunately, before we could place it in a plastic case and sell it on eBay, disaster struck....
Miraculous Dill Pickle Eaten!

Fortunately, we have on film, captured forever, the glowing spirit of the Holy Dill Pickle as it went to its final resting place....

Thursday, May 25, 2006
The Pot of Gold
Monday, May 22, 2006
Happy Victoria Day!

I took a day out of the undercover stuff, popped my rain hat on and enjoyed the warm rain, using Shy-Anne's pool with a few friends, here a couple of us toast our most Gracious Queen.
Happy Birthday to "Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom, Canada and Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith."
Now Betty wasn't born on the fourth Monday of May, it was April 21, 1926. But then all you good Faeries knew that.
And guess what, her real name is Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor and she belongs to Britain's Royal House (Family) of Windsor (not Windsor Ontario though).
So lift your glasses high and sing ...

Dieu sauve notre reine,
Notre glorieuse reine,
Vive la reine!Send her victorious,
Happy and glorious,
Long to reign over us,
God Save the Queen!!
The picture above was taken on April 17, 1982. The Queen is signing the Canadian Constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Canada's best known Faerie, Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau watchs.
Many countries use the tune for their national anthem and it was according to Wikipedia, the "defacto" national anthem of the United States through out the 19th century. The song is "My Country, 'Tis of Thee." You can find the words here.
My Country, 'tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing.
Land where my fathers died,
Land of the pilgrim's pride,
From every mountainside
Let freedom ring.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Disguise's needed for Agent 002
To do this I need some help from some very smart and fashion aware Faeries on some new outfits I have come across in a catalog. Please

To the left is a pair of Brownie Overalls, they could

Then there is the classic Blue and White Chambray Russian suit to the right that comes with a whistle should I need to summon assistance in a hurry.
Next I found what is called a Pretty

They would do fine for he office too once I gain employment in the far east.
I am leaning to this one as in this day, what with all goings on in America a

Mark you votes or comments below. Don't worry about the prices as they appear to be very affordable. Remember not to tell anyone, I need to remain undercover cause that's what Super-dooper top secret secret agent's do!
Come to Amber Fox
Shy-Anne "Oh my god it's bad..."
So while Shy-Anne is away, time to check out her abode. The front is a gaudy pink, you saw it here on AKA Amber Fox blog. The yard, the gate, the view give the appearance of something lavish, rich. I tried the front door, it was latched with a chain, I could only get my nose through.

I saw a sticker on the wall, so I took a picture.
I went around the back of the trailor next, discovering that the whole place is a facade, the

She is clearly going back to her roots with more than her hair by the looks of it.
The picnic set was augmented with a gas barrel

I tried the back door, it was open! Of course it was, that is like it has always been with Shy-Anne, if you need company you use the back door if the porch light is on. I

Inside the back door was this poster of Dolly.
It appears to be all she has left of her friendship with Dolly. The back is signed "To my dear sister, Shy Anne, Love your bigger sister, Dolly."
Oh the Humanity, so far have the glamorous fallen. I just hope her new cowboy stud can get back on the horse.