Spring Cleaning

It was a great day!
We cleared lots of underbrush near the tower. It has been many, many years since the land has had a fire, and the duff on the forest floor is thick. Spring cleaning helps keep the fire danger low, but the grass already seems dry.
Ricky manned the chain saw, Chip wielded the rake, and between the two a large area was cleared. The fire burned all day, and then into the night...

Hey, Ricky! That is a tofu hot dog, isn't it?
Thanks for those great photos, and THANK YOU BOTH for all your hard work making the Land purty for us city folk!!
hugs, Shimmer PS I made a note to track down my choco cake receipt and post it as per your request.
Is that a tofu hotdog? What a silly question.
Of course it is! The faerie purity committee is watching!
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